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Checked Duvet Cover


The garments labelled as Committed are products that have been produced using sustainable fibers or processes, reducing their environmental impact.

4 osoby oglądają ten produkt

Poprzednia najniższa cena: 58 .

Przewidywane doręczenie
24 - 26 maj, 2024
Składając zamówienie przyłączasz się do sadzenia drzew razem z KLARSEN!
Checked Duvet Cover

Checked Duvet Cover



The Iconic Silhouette

He garments labelled as Committed are products that have been produced using sustainable fibers or processes, reducing their environmental impact. Mango’s goal is to support the implementation of practices more committed to the environment, and therefore increase the number of sustainable garments in the collection.

Cotton 100%


Model is 1.84 m wearing
size M

Washing Instructions
Machine wash, no ironing, don’t dry clean, don’t tumble dry
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